
Corporate Hive Program


Bay Beehives Corporate Hive Program creates experiences that allow employees to uniquely engage with bees, agriculture, each other, and their workplace

New in 2023, we are working with corporations that care deeply about honeybees and their impact globally, and want to come together locally to make a difference. Learning about the inner working of the hives combines proven leadership methodologies and Biomimicry, an approach to learning that looks to nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies to address human challenges.

In our leadership classes, participants will dive into a hands-on, immersive experience where they are guided through the hives and see, first hand, the behaviors of the bees as individuals and as part of the colony. Through facilitated small group exercises and discussions, participants juxtapose themselves and their organizations to the activities of the hive. These activities create lessons about communication, trust, and other critical workplace components that can be immediately applied to make their personal role and teams more efficient, effective, and rewarding.

On campus group training
Through carefully cultivated experiences like hive tours, honey tastings, beekeeping classes and more, participants learn the workings of the hive and challenge themselves to incorporate its lessons into their personal and professional lives. At the same time, they come to understand the environmental and economic impact of pollinators and how they and their organization, together, are part of the solution.